Micro Integration Consulting

Individual support for refugees and immigrants

A unique approach

Microintegration involves giving refugees and immigrants comprehensive and long-term support, that focuses on the needs of the individual and assists them in reaching their goals on a one-to-one basis.

Individual support

One-to-one consultations create a safe environment for vulnerable individuals. Through individual support, refugees/immigrants can access the help they need, while also developing valuable skills that enable them to succeed.

A sense of belonging

Microintegration can create a sense of belonging while also allowing individuals to make a positive contribution to society through their unique skills and talents.

Customer Feedback

"LoPe is well established and recognized within the county of Telemark for its work with assisting immigrants into working life and community participation.

The organisation has an important roll in microintegration both as an actor and community space. On several occasions, we have invited Peri Tincman to give lectures, share knowledge and practical experiences about the work with integration that LoPe is a part of. Peri Tincman has an important and educational message which she conveys in a engaging, positive and personal way."

Lailo Merganova – Rådgiver, Kompetanse og integrering/ Telemark Fylkeskommune

"LoPe has contributed to several of our events on the topic of integration and inclusion with hands on experience and knowledge about how best to get migrants and immigrants into the workforce and to contribute as active citizens in the local society. They offer a very important and professional service for the benefit of the society."

Dawn Marie Freund, International Advisor, Telemark County Council

"One of the content areas, in which we most appreciate Dr. Tincman’s expertise is diversity at the workplace and in society as such, which provided particular value in our European project cooperation on Micro-Integration (Programme Erasmus +).

Dr. Tincman has shown considerable skills in designing and presenting complex thematic contributions to different audiences and has been a most valuable cooperation partner."

Helmut Kronika – Managing Director, BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH
Foto: Fredrik Pedersen

Get in contact to hear Peri-Ilka Tincman's talk on Microintegration

Peri-Ilka Tincman, foredragsholder i MIC, CEO og grunnlegger av LoPe, foreningen for mikrointegrering.

We at LoPe understand the importance of microintegration as a means of helping refugees, immigrants, and vulnerable people to thrive. Our microintegration services are designed to give them the help they need most so that they can achieve independence, a sense of safety, and stability. We focus on empowering refugees with microintegration solutions such as language courses, employment assistance, and other necessary support programmes.

Our comprehensive microintegration service gives individuals the resources and skills they need to integrate into their new community and build a future for themselves. We are committed to improving the lives of refugees and immigrants through microintegration initiatives and giving marginalised individuals meaningful opportunities. By working together, we are certain that microintegration measures will have a positive impact in our local communities. MIC is our subdivision for consultancy work - Powered by LoPe.

Let's work together to create a more inclusive society

Book a presentation for your next work training day and learn more about the benefits of microintegration, inclusion, and diversity in the workplace.

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